For some looked after young people, residential or supported accommodation group living is not a viable option.
Our Housing First for Youth service provides a solution by working with young people in community-based settings to provide the wraparound support needed to help them thrive within their community.
Working in partnership with the Northern Trust, Belfast Trust and South Eastern Trust, the service delivers 24/7 support to young people in their own homes.
What to expect?
Situated in locations where young people can easily access services and amenities, our highly-trained and compassionate teams provide long term flexible support to all aspects of accessing and maintaining a tenancy with an emphasis on harm reduction, promoting choice and making positive connections.
Our Youth Support Workers can make an immediate and lasting impact. By providing 24-hour, 365-day support to young people at the start of, and throughout, their journey to settlement and security, we can ensure that we’re reducing the likelihood of that young person becoming a homeless adult
Kirsten Hewitt – Director of Homelessness Services
How to access the service
This is a funder referral only service. But, if you would like to learn more about our Housing First for Youth approach, please email info@simoncommunity.org