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Tristan's Story

Tristan's Story

When Tristan first came to Simon Community, he had already faced many challenges. Before COVID-19, his father had forced him out of the house, leaving him without a home. For a while, he lived with a partner, but after that broke down, he found himself sofa-surfing.

Tristan’s first steps into Simon Community were filled with nerves, but having his brother by his side made things easier. The staff were there to answer all his questions and offer support. Slowly, as he got to know the other residents, he began to feel more at ease.

A memorable moment came when Tristan helped organise a BBQ with another resident. Even though funds were tight, they rallied the residents to contribute, making sure everyone could join in.

"We got the BBQ stuff and started playing music, everyone was happy, it was a great day!"

Tristan continued to face some tough times. When his friends discovered he was homeless, they distanced themselves and spread rumours, accusing him of things that weren’t true.

"..when some of them saw me they would laugh and shout hurtful things about me."

At Simon Community, we recognise that our role goes beyond providing a roof over someone’s head. It’s about being there for every step of someone's journey.

"The Simon Community team have been exceptional at helping me and explaining everything."

In Tristan’s case, we helped him navigate universal credit, the Housing Executive, and other vital support services, ensuring that he always had access to the resources he needed.

Tristan's life took a positive turn when he joined Street Soccer NI in Coleraine in 2022. Stephen Fleming, a staff member within Simon Community, introduced him to the program. His confidence grew, his mental and physical health improved, and he began to build strong friendships.

"Stevie knew that I was a fan of football. When he told me about street soccer, it was exactly what I needed to get back into football."

One of his proudest moments came when his team won their first trophy in Belfast. Now, Tristan is preparing to represent Northern Ireland at the Homeless World Cup in South Korea, a testament to how far he has come.

Tristan’s journey shows that homelessness is just one chapter, not the end. At Simon Community, we’re proud to have been part of his story, supporting him as he found his way forward.