“When my dad passed away, I struggled to cope and started taking drugs and self-harming to take away the pain."
I tried to get off the drugs but I couldn’t do it, I had no one to help me, and my addiction got me into all sorts of trouble.
‘When I moved into Simon Community, the staff were amazing; they treat you with respect. I’ve got my own flat and do my own cooking and washing. It’s a brilliant place; there is a big support network for us here.
‘I’ve made lots of friends in the time I’ve been at Simon Community and I have a lot more confidence in myself now. A boy I met introduced me to Street Soccer and I’ve been playing with the women’s team for two years now.
‘I get some counselling at Simon Community with Jigsaw, the mental health charity, which is very good, and I also cook in the hostel. The staff give me recipes and help me cook. I’m hoping to get work in a restaurant to get more experience.
‘I’m off the drugs now and I want to tell my story. I want people to read it and know that there is help out there, that you can get off drugs and make something of your life.’