Donald became homeless at the age of 22, when his family home no longer became a safe and suitable living environment. Having nowhere to go he contacted Simon Community and we were able to provide temporary accommodation for him.
My first experience arriving at Simon Community, I didn’t know what to expect due to never having been in this situation before. I was feeling really down and nervous but as soon as I arrived, I was made to feel so welcome and comfortable by the staff and other clients.
Donald didn’t know anyone in the area, so our Support Workers helped him engage with the community and make new friends, helping to rebuild his confidence.
Becoming homeless is something I never expected to happen, but thanks to Simon Community, I learned new skills to help me in the future, met people from all different backgrounds and gained friends from the local church group that I still continue to attend. The staff helped me get back on my feet.
After 8 months at our hostel, Donald had still not received an offer of a house through the Housing Executive due to the lack of social housing available. Being ready and able to move on and live independently again, Donald decided to move to a private rental. Simon Community’s Tenancy Deposit Service can help people like Donald, who are ready to move on, access private rentals when usually those who are homeless would not be in a position to afford the upfront deposit and first months rent.
I wanted to move forward with my life and gain my own independence and as soon as I viewed the house, I knew this was meant to be my home. I have been able to establish friendships and have joined a local football and badminton team. Having my own home has given me freedom and security whilst helping me to strengthen my relationships with family members.
Thanks to people like you, this year Donald will be able to enjoy Christmas in his own home.
Each night this December, Simon Community will provide 464 warm, safe beds for those with no home. They will be adults, children and families, all anxious and frightened for their future. We will provide them with vital shelter and support when they need it most, saving and rebuilding lives.
We need your help to make their Christmas a little brighter. If you can, please consider donating to our Christmas Appeal. Click here to Donate Now.