The Northern Ireland Housing Executive was established in 1971 as Northern Ireland’s strategic housing authority. They offer a range of services to people living in social housing, privately rent and to people living in owner occupied accommodation. The Housing Executive also support and work with several other public bodies, including Simon Community NI.
The Housing Executive is legally responsible for helping people who are homeless and those who are facing homelessness. If you find yourself in a homelessness crisis you should speak to them immediately. They work through local area offices and within Belfast there is a dedicated Homelessness Service Unit. The contact number for homelessness advice is 03448 920 900
Key Facts - The Northern Ireland Housing Executive;
- are a landlord to approximately 86,500 dwellings
- administer a budget of £750m
- have more than 3,000 staff
- offer home improvement grants to homeowners and private tenants
- provide support to help improve the energy efficiency of private dwellings.
Last year almost 20,000 people presented as homeless to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.
For further information on the work of the Housing Executive click here to visit their website.
You can also view the Housing Executive’s 2016 – 2017 annual report by clicking here.