With youth homelessness increasing across Northern Ireland, understanding the Pathways to Youth Homelessness and responding with the correct services is vital.
Our youth accommodation projects are designed for young people aged 16-25 to assist in their transition towards independent adulthood. Providing a nurturing environment in which individuals can flourish, we work in partnership with the Housing Executive, the Belfast Health & Social Care Trust and the Northern Health & Social Care Trust to deliver safe spaces for those requiring temporary accommodation.
What to expect?
Our youth accommodation projects are situated in locations where young people can easily access the key services and amenities important to them and their development. To locate your nearest project, click here.
When someone is referred to one of our projects, they will be greeted by a professional and highly trained team who will support them during their stay and back to independent living.
When I moved into Simon Community, the staff were amazing; they treat you with respect. I’ve got my own flat and do my own cooking and washing. It’s a brilliant place; there is a big support network for us here. ‘I’ve made lots of friends in the time I’ve been at Simon Community and I have a lot more confidence in myself now.
While everyone’s journey will be unique, within this service our team can help with a range of issues, including:
- Accessing Education
- Health & Wellbeing
- Accessing Community Services
- Female Advocacy
- Accessing Food & Clothing
- Socialising & Activities
- Reconnecting with Family
- Tenancy Liaison
How to access the service
To access our youth accommodation services, please contact our helpline on 0800 171 2222 or complete our Get Help form.