Simon Community NI manages 481 beds and provides 25 accommodation & shelter projects across Northern Ireland. Our occupancy is normally close to full capacity, averaging at around 95%.

Our frontline staff provide a safe and welcoming environment and deliver additional support based on each client's bespoke need.
Our client-base is predominantly male (75%), with females making up 25% of the people we support.
The average age of people who use our service is lower than you might expect, at 34 years for men and just 28 years for women. Over a third of our clients are under the age of 25.
We provide emergency accommodation, and our aim is to move people on as quickly and safely as possible to suitable permanent accommodation. As a result, our clients stay with us for an average of 6 months.
Our ‘Planned Move On’ rate for clients is roughly 70%. This refers to clients that engage with us to positively move on to independent or shared living; reunite with family members to move back home; or accept an alternative suitable permanent housing solution.
*All figures based on 'point-in-time- data, these figures may vary but can be assumed as general averages.