Grace is an active member of Foyer, where the team actively focus on both staff and client wellbeing with initiatives that include revamped staff spaces, promotion of healthy eating, client experiences outside of the service, and mindfulness.
Creating Staff Spaces has been a big focus across all Simon Community Projects. The Foyer is focusing on a comfortable and mindful area where staff can take a break from their long shifts and focus on themselves. By sourcing books, rearranging the furniture, and adding in some plants, the space now is set up for staff to enjoy a moment for themselves.
Having a mindful space is not only important for staff, but also our clients. That is why the Foyer is in the in the process of creating a relaxation/sensory space for the clients to just switch off. The Foyer staff plan to promote mindfulness practice within the space when it’s completed.
At the Foyer, the young people and they are in a great position to learn how to better themselves through eating healthy and learning good habits in the kitchen. To enrich their time with us, staff are promoting simple, nutritious meals. The aim is to educate our clients on the importance of healthy eating, especially important when many at the project tend to opt for fast food. By making ‘house meals’ togerher, we want clients to learn skills in all stages from preparation and cooking, to safe food storage and cleaning.
Wellbeing for both staff and clients is so important and getting outside is key to creating enjoyable and memorable experiences. With summer in full swing, it is vital for clients to get out of the hostel environment and enjoy the long days and beautiful coastlines that our landscapes have to offer.