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Creating Homes: Simon Community’s Personalised Approach

02 October 2024

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Copy of Creating homes

Homelessness in Northern Ireland is an escalating crisis. Around 55,500 people are officially classified as homeless in Northern Ireland. That’s 1 in every 34 people. This includes over 5,100 children, who are currently living in temporary accommodation. Many of these individuals and families face prolonged uncertainty due to the severe lack of new social housing developments. The budget put forward for 24-25 will only fund up to 600 new social housing starts this year, significantly below the target of 2,000 set by the Department for Communities. This means the crisis continues to deepen. The slow pace of new builds, combined with over 86,000 people on the social housing waiting list, has left many in temporary accommodation far longer than anticipated, intensifying the strain on an already overwhelmed system.

It’s crucial to remember that homelessness can happen to anyone, and behind each of these overwhelming statistics is a person, a family, or a child being denied the fundamental human rights that many of us, myself included, often take for granted. Homelessness isn’t just about lacking a roof over one’s head; it’s about living without stability, security, and the opportunity for a better future. It means facing each day with uncertainty and fear, without the comfort and peace of mind that only a home can provide. The true impact of homelessness goes beyond the numbers; it’s deeply personal, affecting lives in ways that are often invisible to those fortunate enough not to have experienced it.

As the Acquisition and Development Manager for Simon Community’s Creating Homes initiative, I work closely with local agents, tradesmen, and suppliers. My role involves sourcing, purchasing, and refurbishing properties across Northern Ireland for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our temporary accommodation sites. These homes provide a supportive and secure environment for those who are ready for independent living within the private rented sector, with Simon Community as their landlord.

To ensure our homes are accessible, we set rents at controlled and affordable rates, making it possible for tenants to sustain their tenancies without the financial strain that often accompanies private renting in today’s climate. Working closely with Simon Community’s Housing Solutions team, we ensure that tenants receive access to all available resources and support, assisting them in successfully transitioning into independent living and maintaining their new homes for years to come.

All our properties are finished to the highest standards, not only meeting but exceeding property safety regulations, setting a benchmark for how private rented accommodation should be maintained. Each home is fully furnished and thoughtfully prepared, ready for tenants to move in and start living comfortably from day one. We actively encourage tenant involvement in the process, allowing them to choose their own colour schemes and designs, ensuring their new home truly reflects their preferences and personality. This personalised approach, combined with comprehensive support services, helps tenants take their first steps towards a sustainable and secure future, fostering a genuine sense of belonging from the moment they receive the keys.

I witness firsthand how crucial and life-changing it can be to offer an alternative pathway out of homelessness for those who have been waiting far too long in the hope of securing their own home. Each property we acquire represents a new beginning for someone who has faced the uncertainty of homelessness. Every key we hand over signifies hope, stability, and the opportunity for a fresh start.

We have recently secured our 22nd property, an achievement I’m incredibly proud to play a small part of. But this is just the beginning. In the coming years, we aim to significantly expand the number of homes we provide, ensuring that even more people who are ready for independent living can move into permanent housing. The need for long-term solutions to homelessness is urgent, and I’m committed to growing this programme to meet that demand.

To see how Simon Community’s Creating Homes project has made a difference, watch Stuart, one of our tenants, share his story.