The fourth and final in this series of posts highlighting the experiences of some of those staying in one of our dedicated Young People Projects introduces you to Amy* who has been with Simon Community NI for a few months:
I left home due to family breakdown as a result of domestic abuse. I wasn’t as scared as people would expect you to be as I already knew some people at Simon Community and knew that I would get on well here. I like living here because before I was here, I didn’t have any support, or anyone around me trying to help me every day like I have here, so it makes me feel really good getting that support and having people to talk to – both staff and other young people.
There are loads of different Programmes within and outside Simon Community that staff help me get involved in. The staff are always here to help me with mental health issues and anything else I have a problem with.
My hopes for the future are to finish my health and social qualification and come back and work for Simon Community when I’ve moved out. I think that would be a really good, rewarding job and that I’ll be able to help young people because I can relate to them and I’ll understand what it’s like to go through what they are experiencing.
When I feel I’m ready, financially and maturity-wise, I want to move on from Simon Community. I want to feel that I am ready to live on my own. I know the staff here will help me with that move because I’ve seen the support they’ve given to other people in the same situation.
*Name has been changed to protect the identity of the person involved.