Our Simon Steppers excited and raring to go.
As part of Northern Ireland’s leading homelessness charity’s Belfast City Marathon activities, Simon Community NI staff and clients have pledged to ‘Step Out 4 Simon’ to help end homelessness on the 5th May.
Having affectionately dubbed themselves the ‘Simon Steppers’, a dedicated team of 21 across the organisation have undertaken a three month pre-marathon training routine consisting of weekly lunchtime walks to prepare themselves for the 9-mile route, which starts at Stormont Estate and finishes at Ormeau Park.
Hoping to raise awareness in the rise of homelessness across Northern Ireland, the ‘Simon Steppers’ have set themselves a fundraising target of £800 to help support vital Simon Community NI services, such as Harm Reduction and Addiction Support.
Katherine Convery, Human Resources Officer at Simon Community NI and organiser of Step Out 4 Simon said,
“Having been part of last year’s Simon Community NI Relay team, I was disappointed not to be able to get involved this year due to a sporting injury. The more I thought about it I came to the conclusion that like me, others must also want to get involved in the fun and excitement of the Marathon but felt that running 26 miles, or even a relay section, was out of their reach.
“Expecting only a few people to join me, I started bringing would be ‘Simon Steppers’ together and I’m delighted to have amassed a team of 21. It’s been a pleasure to organise weekly lunchtime walks for colleagues and clients, knowing that I’ve been able to make the Marathon a fun activity for those who otherwise wouldn’t have felt they could join in.”
Aaron, a client at Simon Community NI’s Saintfield Road project and keen walker added,
“I’ve always wanted to take part in the marathon but always felt that I wasn’t a good enough runner. When I heard about the walking group I though it was a great idea and through the training sessions I can already feel that I'm getting fitter. They’re also just great craic.
“I can’t wait to take part and in a small way help give back to Simon Community who have been a great support structure for my journey through homelessness.”
Help support the ‘Simon Steppers’ end homelessness in Northern Ireland. Simply click here and give what you can today.
If you are interested in joining Team Simon at this year’s Marathon, register to run at belfastcitymarathon.com and choose Simon Community NI as your charity of choice.
Once you have your unique race number, simply fill out your details via our quick and easy online form and our friendly fundraising team will be in touch to send you out your running t-shirt and fundraising pack.