Welcoming partners from across the homelessness and youth services sector, residents of Simon Community’s Foyer project hosted an open day to showcase their new and improved learning centre and to thank individuals who helped make it a reality.
Representatives from organisations including Springboard, MACs, BHSCT, NIHE, Radius Housing were treated to music from volunteer Damian while representatives from Northern Ireland Youth Forum's 'Relentless Change Project' and Headliners presented videos that young people from the Foyer had created detailing their journeys into homelessness.
Supporting over 150 young people each year, the Foyer provides shelter and support 24 hrs per day alongside a range of wrap around services including health and wellbeing support.
Funded in partnership with Comic Relief, young people spent several months working on a redecoration initiative aimed at turning the existing common room space into a fit for purpose hub to facilitate workshops including IT, art and music.
Head of Young People’s Services at Simon Community, Karen McAlister, commended the hard work of the team, volunteers and clients behind the new Learning Centre:
Taking young people’s views on board and working with staff and volunteers to make it a reality has been an amazing achievement. Thanks to volunteers from Grant Thornton and Rugby Ireland, and their skills at assembling furniture, we now have a space where young people can relax, learn and welcome external organisations.

What’s next is the promotion of the Learning Centre space to providers and volunteers who can help enrich the lives of young people at the Foyer. I’d encourage those who could deliver skills such as IT, design or photography to get in touch and play their part in changing the lives of some of our residents.
To speak about supporting the Foyer, delivering workshops or volunteering at the service, click here.