This Christmas Carryduff brother and sister duo Marley and Elsa McGrath gave back by creating hampers for all 24 families at Simon Community's family project.
This Christmas, it wasn’t just Santa who brought a smile to the faces of children at Simon Community’s family hostel. Thanks to Carryduff brother and sister duo, Marley and Elsa McGrath, all 24 families at the charity’s project based in West Belfast woke up on 25 December to a festive hamper filled with sweets, treats and toys.
No stranger to charitable deeds, Marley and Elsa continually look for ways to help those who are marginalised and less fortunate and in fact, volunteered with Simon Community in 2019 and again over the Summer of 2020 were they helped with the creation of COVID-19 food parcel and toiletries bags for clients. It was during this time that the brother and sister decided that they would ensure every family staying with the charity at Christmas would receive a festive McGrath Hamper and from here, rallied support from their friends, family and local community.
Speaking about supporting Simon Community, Marley, aged 8 said:
All families deserve to have an amazing Christmas and I didn't care if I got presents myself, I just wanted all the Conway Court children to have a proper Christmas.
Meanwhile, Elsa, aged 6, added:
I want people to feel happy and have a lovely Christmas dinner with their friends and family. I'm just happy the children at Simon Community had presents as Christmas is a special time to help people.
Mum, Hannah was beaming with pride as her children earnestly explained why they were supporting Simon Community and explained:
Between volunteering, fundraising or donating, I think more children would enjoy giving back at Christmas if given the opportunity. This past year has been one of the toughest and Marley and Elsa simply wanted to help, and it was them who came up with the idea of hampers. Everyone who they told about their appeal was blown away and equally, we’ve been so thankful for everyone’s support it making it a reality.
Amazed at the initiative, Elaine Ellis, Senior Practitioner at Simon Community’s family project, Conway Court, thanked all those involved:
This Christmas, there was 30 parents and 42 children waking up on Christmas morning at Conway and such acts of generosity make it possible for us to create some form of normality and celebration for them; and after the year that we’ve all experienced, isn’t this what everyone needs and deserves. From all the residents and staff at Conway, thank you to the McGraths for helping make the season a little brighter for those who depend on Simon Community’s shelter and support.
To support Simon Community over Christmas and beyond Donate Now.